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Fighting Relationship Insecurity

  • Système Délivrancecalibration means to become aware of people's feelings and responses. In other words, to become very good at guessing if somebody is interested in you and gauging the level of attraction that exists between you both. In this article, we will look at seduction from the perspective of a guy trying to seduce a woman. As a guy, you must realise that you are never rejected.So this begs the question of how do you become calibrated in the first place? Is it something you are just born with or is it a skill you can develop.

    If you go for the kiss and the woman does not kiss you, all she is saying is "Sorry I am not attracted enough to you or I don't feel comfortable enough to kiss you YET". They key word here yet! If you don't let it affect you and simply continue the conversation as if nothing has happened and keep building up attraction, in 15 or 20 minutes you may end up kissing her. However, the key here is to become calibrated so you know when the right time is to go for the kiss so you are not rejected. You must build up social intelligence and become aware of peoples responses to become a master at seduction.

    Seduction as a skill and we believe anybody can become calibrated. The key is to practice and open yourself up to rejection. When you were small, you probably learned very quickly not to put your and on the cooker when it is turned on. Perhaps you tried it once and got a minor burn. In this way, you learned a basic calibration lesson. As you grew older, you learned to look at the switch to see if the cooker was on or not and now you know that at certain times it is OK to touch the cooker and at certain times it is not. It is the exact same with seduction, albeit in a more complicated fashion


