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  • Das liegt daran, dass Geistliche für Hochzeiten oft lange im Voraus gebucht werden und Sie möglicherweise nicht möchten, dass Ihr bevorzugter spiritueller Berater oder Leiter durch jemanden ersetzt wird, den Sie nicht kennen, nur weil Sie nicht früh genug gefragt haben. Obwohl de...
  • Beachten Sie insbesondere die Einschränkungen, die diese potenziellen Veranstaltungsorte haben können, z. B. ein Mindestbudget für Verbrauchsmaterialien oder eine maximale Teilnehmerzahl, bevor Sie Ihre Wahl treffen. Auch wenn Sie bereits einen Veranstaltungsort gefunden haben brautmo...
  • Il matrimonio è un obbligo religioso, che implica un approccio serio alla santità dell'unione matrimoniale, che è il fondamento della famiglia. In passato il matrimonio religioso poteva essere celebrato solo quando i novelli sposi contraevano un matrimonio civile. Tuttavia, i te...
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Manifesting Your Intentions

  • Faith is a substance. A substance is defined as: Manifestation Miracle the actual matter of a thing as opposed to the appearance or shadow reality. Therefore when we are hoping for breakthrough in manifesting our dreams, our faith will be the actual matter of a thing instead of the shadowed reality of circumstance. Faith is evidence. Evidence is defined as something that makes plain or clear. So we see that faith sees clearly what is not seen in the natural. Faith sees that dream your hoping for as already accomplished, and waits for the manifestation to catch up.

    Now this faith isn't mustered up by our own will power, its not attained, its not built, its received. Faith is a gift from God which is an amazing thing! It takes all the pressure off us to perform to build faith. That's why true faith is cultivated in the fiery chambers of the secret place with our Lord. When faith is expressed, its not to just manifest selfish desires and build your own kingdom, thats like going into someones refrigerator that you don't know, and eating all their food. Its because of a love affair that we have access to this realm of faith.


    I tell you all this to make the point that faith, hope, and love are a three corded strand that cannot be easily broken. You are my refuge and my shield, I have put my HOPE in your WORD. That means that are hope is not wavered by external circumstance but it is grounded in the word of God. This could be the written word or the spirit breathed word received. God may have spoken to you directly, through other people, or through the bible as a promise. It is in that promise that we put our hope and faith because God does not lie. He does not tell you something just to tease you. "His word never returns void."

