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Discovering fascinating facts about the Hippodrome Casino

  • The opening of the Casino marked a new beginning for the Hippodrome in 1900 by the famous theatre architect Frank Matcham as a circus variety theatre.

    The first show named as “Giddy Ostend and starred Little Tich” included a young performer called Charles Chaplin as the main cast.

    The original structure included an illuminated pool containing 100,000 gallons of water that could shoot fountains of water to the roof.

    A troop of athletic dwarves used to dive from the minstrels gallery at the top of the building into the pool.

    Harry Houdini performed some of his final and most spectacular acts at the Hippodrome Casino.

    And not to mention, between 1958-82 the Hippodrome hosted Talk of the Town which featured performers including Judy Garland, Stevie Wonder, Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones and Sammy Davis Jr.


