This info-graphic titled ‘General Surety Bonds Information’ provides us an overview of surety bonds. A surety bond is a promise to pay one party a certain sum of money if a second party fails to meet some obligation. The surety bond defends the obligee against losses resulting from the principal’s non-achievement to meet the obligation. Entrepreneurs know they have to keep track of various concerns when starting a new enterprise. Whether they are related to time, money or effort, entrepreneurs demand to keep these affairs in check. From time to time, though, entrepreneurs might forget about about some crucial concerns that come along with commencing a business venture. One such concern is the necessity for surety bonds, which are often required before entrepreneurs can apply for licenses for many of the industries.
Government agencies across the nation set up surety bond requirements to regulate industries and protect consumer interests. When a business owner buys a bond, he or she holds the bond’s terms, which typically require compliance with specific regulatory protocols. If the government agency that modulates your profession’s licensing requires you to meet certain bonding expectations, you must abide to them. If you try to run a business without being rightly licensed, you could face penalty fines, license revocation or even judicial action. For more information, please refer to the info-graphic below.