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Benefits of generating oxygen in hospitals

  • In the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme medical oxygen shortage has been a significant concern globally. Though the cases are decreasing in the nation and vaccines have been rolled out in almost everywhere, it will take some time to get the situation Covid free in the country. In the meantime, medical oxygen in hospitals will remain an essential medicine needed by everyone.

    Almost every country in the world focused on India when the infection rates were continuously outpacing the oxygen supply.

    Oxygen in hospitals is regarded as an essential element as it is used for crucial treatment for several medical conditions such as premature birth, surgery, and many others. To meet this rise in demand for medical oxygen, installing on-site gas generators is the only way out. 


    MVS generators produce oxygen using the PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) method of production. It is a very well-established technology to obtain oxygen. For years MVS has been the leading manufacturer and supplier of PSA oxygen. Let us understand why having an oxygen generator is a boon in the medical industry or hospitals.


    • It is advisable to have an oxygen generator where the need for oxygen gas is higher. For example, a large, bedded hospital opt for an oxygen generator installation rather than paying a high price for oxygen cylinders. An oxygen generator plant from a leading manufacturer and supplier would be much cost-saving and worth the investment. 
    • Storage:  When you need to store oxygen cylinders in bulk, you will need ample storage with good ventilation. Instead, it is advisable to have the space of the oxygen generator and keep getting oxygen supply whenever required. 
    • When the empty cylinders are being replaced with filled ones, there is possible that there is little gas left in the cylinder. The staff members shall not check that, and they will take the cylinders no matter what; hence, if that happens over the years, it is a loss to the hospitals. Hence, it is wise to have an oxygen generator at your site.
    • Safety : It is as safe option. Oxygen generator produces gas at low pressure; hence the risk of explosion is minimized to a greater extent. Whereas oxygen cylinders have gas-filled at very high pressure. Therefore, the risk of the explosion increases if handled carelessly.

    If you are from the healthcare industry looking for a reliable plant to generate oxygen in hospitals, visit https://www.mvsengg.com/products/oxygen/medical-oxygen/



