Although it may take a few years for one to become more knowledgeable about their duties, and there is only so much that can be covered in this article, what is written above should help all readers in understanding the general responsibilities of a title insurance attorney. They are highly trained professionals and they are paid to not only protect you, but also protect themselves. When you need assistance with your title insurance policy, as well as explanations regarding any issues regarding your home title, do not hesitate to seek out the services of a professional lawyer. The peace of mind it will provide is well worth the cost.
The title insurance agent will charge a premium based on the value of your property. The premium is usually paid with funds held in an escrow account, but different insurers will have different rules for paying premiums. Your attorney should be able to tell you how to pay the premium and which party needs to make the payment. In most cases, however, the buyer’s attorney will make all arrangements for payment. If a dispute arises afterwards, the buyer can get reimbursed from the fund he or she provided during the closing process. For more detail, please refer to the info-graphic below.